First week at WATE

First week at WATE
Hard at work!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

3rd Week!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

With Memorial Day weekend approaching, Mona decided to run a story on Rockin' the Docks. Rockin' the Docks is an annual event that is held every Memorial Day weekend but this year it had to be cancelled due to the lack of sponsorship. Mona, Brian, and I went to Lenoir City Parks & Recreation to get more information and conduct interviews. We traveled out to Fort Loudon Lake for another interview with a lady who has come with her family since the event started 10 years ago. After the interviews I got the opportunity to shoot another stand-up. The plan was to take my stand-ups, the interviews, and footage of the event from previous years and turn it into my first package but on our way back to the station, Mona got orders to go to Morristown. She would be investigating further on the Morristown church embezzlement case. I decided not to follow Mona on this story and went back to the station to help Beth write for the 11PM show.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This day by far was the most interesting yet. It definitely started out unusual with a little bit of drama, but I will be professional and not go into detail. Mona was sent back to Morristown to further investigate the Morristown church embezzlement case she had been working on. We first met with the Register of Deeds and received valuable information. Next we went to the house of Barbara Witt, the church secretary charged with stilling $1.5 million from the church. No one was home but we did get an interview with the neighbor. He also allowed us to shoot footage of her home from the his back yard. I also got the opportunity to shoot another stand-up for my resume video. I definitely felt a lot more comfortable doing this one and thought it turned out pretty decent. We spent most of the day in Morristown and did not get back to the station until the end of my shift. This day went by fast!

Thursday, May 27. 2010

Today was probably the most uneventful yet. I had the opportunity to go with Mona to Deer Lodge, Tennessee for a story on a volunteer fire department that is struggling to stay in operation because of the economy. I decided not to go because it was far away from the station, but I have now decided I will never turn down an offer to go out on a story again. I had planned on going out with Jill but she ended up having to take a live truck that did not have 3 seats in it. I did get the opportunity to teleprompt the 5, 5:30, and 6 o'clock shows. This is an experience every time. I always seem to mess up somehow, but I am definitely learning from my mistakes.

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